$0 / 10 Days
A 10 day free trial to explore The Card Nerd and understand how you can save.
- 5 queries per day limit
- Remembers up to 2 cards and answers questions
- Suggest credit card products based on your usage history
- Ad-supported experience
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Monthly Plan
$1 / Month
Comes with a 10 day FREE trial included
Explore all the features that we have to offer with no Limits for a year
- No limit on queries
- Remembers up to 50 cards and answers questions
- Suggest credit card products based on your usage history
- Ad Free experience
- Personalized suggestions for specific needs
Buy Now
Yearly Plan
$10 / Year
Comes with a 10 day FREE trial included
Explore all the features that we have to offer with no Limits for a year
- No limit on queries
- Remembers up to 50 cards and answers questions
- Suggest credit card products based on your usage history
- Ad Free experience
- Personalized suggestions for specific needs
Buy Now